
The qia-audio-clip is part of the project qia-audio which is further packaged under the name qia-browser-libraries as UMD scripts such as qia.js and qia.react.js.

It is an HTML custom element which can be used to playback audio in web browsers.

It is designed and implemented with similar HTML API as the browser built-in audio element but with improved visual representation of the audio clip.

The HTML code <qia-audio-clip title="" lrc-src="..." src="...">...</qia-audio-clip> could result in the following qia-audio-clip element.

When it's apple blossom time in Normandy by Miss Marguerite Dunlap and Mr. Harry MacDonough

When loaded and playing-back, the related <qia-audio-player> can be used to visualize the audio.

* cached version, generated at 2024-01-08 17:41:52 UTC.

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