Qia-Articles: JH-Articles Was Renamed as Qia-Articles

At the beginning of 2022, I started to rename some of my software products to reduce confusion and my maintainace effort. As a result, JH-Articles was also renamed as Qia-Articles. And now JH-Articles only stands for the deployment of Qia-Articles at https://www.johannhuang.com/articles/. (In the past, JH-Articles also stands for Qia-Articles)

The new clear relationship in the family of Qia-Articles is as the following.

  • Qia-Articles stands for the product which powers several deployments
  • The deployments of Qia-Articles include JH-Articles at https://www.johannhuang.com/articles/, JH-Catalogues at https://www.johannhuang.com/catalogues/, RhoPhotos-Articles at https://www.rhophotos.com/articles/ and so on

* cached version, generated at 2023-12-12 01:51:13 UTC.

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